
by Marlón Escobar Saupe


Hello I'am

Marlón Escobar

Foto von Marlón Escobar Saupe, Aufgenommen von Alexander Rentsch / HTW Berlin

Aufgenommen von Alexander Rentsch / HTW Berlin

Welcome to Escosystem my personal system for ecological and participatory design! I am a co-creation, system and UI & UX designer based in Berlin, Germany. I studied digital media (BA) at the HfK Bremen and the University of Bremen, where I intensively studied the interaction between people and technology. Building on this, in the System Design (MA) program at HTW Berlin, I dedicated myself to the bigger picture and the complex interweaving of people and the environment. Today I work in the areas of Circular Economy & Society, Co-Creation, System Thinking, UX, UI and Web Design and Development, always intending to involve all stakeholders in my design and achieve a holistic, sustainable process and impact.

 · System Designer · UI & UX Designer · Co-Creation Designer · System Designer · UI & UX Designer · Co-Creation Designer · System Designer · UI & UX Designer · Co-Creation Designer

 · Co-Creation Designer · System Designer · UI & UX Designer · Co-Creation Designer · System Designer · UI & UX Designer · Co-Creation Designer · System Designer · UI & UX Designer

What is Escosystem Design?

To me, Escosystem design means creating a holistic positive system for people and their environment. All participants, the environment and their contexts are included in the process and can become a co-designer. Design is a process in which challenges are met. In a design process, I first systematically analyze these to define the origin of the problem. To do so, I aim to bring people together to create a participatory design, in which perspectives are exchanged to develop ideas. These are continuously reflected upon to explore their consequences and impact. The design as a solution emerges iteratively from the process and only becomes a solution when it has a positive effect on all those involved. The design remains transformable so that it has a long-term positive effect as circumstances change. My passion is to be a designer who integrates people, environment and technology in a design process.

Selected Works